Our Mission
To host and promote
events and gatherings
that raise awareness of
local, national and global
environmental realities
and inspire caring
citizens to reflect, connect,
communicate, and act as
responsible caretakers of
the earth by creating sustainable

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead
We are a learning center dedicated to caring for both people and the earth by demonstrating, learning, living, and teaching various skills needed to create a holistic, sustainable culture by recognizing the interconnectedness of all life.
We promote the enjoyment of the natural environment through formal and informal education programs and retreats.
We have created through community, an education center that supports the genius within each individual learner.
We offer classes, workshops and gatherings that:
* Recognize our connection with the global ecosystem.
* Promote human potential and creativity.
* Inspire holistic and ecological
* Facilitate nonviolent social
* Reestablish natural childbirth, breast-feeding of infants, and high-touch parenting.
* Honor our greater spirit.